About us
Originated from Finland, R-Group is one of the leading global suppliers of precast accessories and concrete connections. R-Group with its global brand of RSTEEL® provides high-quality steel solutions for safe, reliable and enduring structures, throughout the world. Thriving on leading-edge technology, exceptional quality, excellent customer-oriented service, and a trusted network of suppliers, we offer standard and customized solutions to all small, medium and large-scale companies globally. In our operations we comply with the ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 standards. Our solutions have inspired the confidence of our clients and have helped us build a niche in precast and cast-in-situ construction industry.
Commitment and trust set us apart
R-Group has worked with a number of Finnish and international companies for many years, some of them for over a decade. We go out of the way in providing the best version of what our clients require. We believe in building connections that last and our unwavering commitment towards this goal sets us apart.
We provide a wide range of precast accessories and concrete connections to our customers to help them build Safe, Reliable and Enduring structures efficiently.
Leading global supplier of precast accessories.
Great customer experience by responding to customer needs by operating in an agile, changing environment.
Attractive employer for talent across the globe.
Desired partner for our customers.
It is our strong value system which forms the basis of our success in developing long-lasting and trust-worthy relations with our clients.
Improving our products, services and processes to bring added value to customers.
Customer Satisfaction
Promoting a consumer-driven culture by considering our customers in all we do.
People are our greatest assets.
We are honest, open, ethical and fair in everything we do.
Uncompromising commitment to the highest standards. We insist on holding ourselves and all we do to the highest standard or quality. Both in the way we build our relationships and build our structures.

A family business
The RSTEEL® brand emerged from a vision of building a safer and more responsible future for the industry.
Started by Repo family, the company manufactured and sold precast concrete elements and ready-mix concrete through its production plants in Savonlinna and Savonranta, in Finland. After realizing the increasing demand for high quality and reliable metal components in the construction industry, the company ventured into manufacturing and supplying precast accessories and concrete connections through its brand RSTEEL®. Building upon the expertise of being the original end user of these solutions, the company has subsequently grown into one of the best metal and connection solutions providers in the industry.
Our international presence
Through our offices in Finland & Estonia, and our network of Sales Managers in four continents, we deliver products and services that meet the unique and challenging requirements of our customers in more than 20 countries.